About Pound & Stewart Planning
Pound & Stewart Associates Limited o/a Pound & Stewart Planning celebrated 40 years of professional land use planning consulting services in 2016, and has participated in over 1,800 land use and community projects.
Our corporate mission is to deliver technically sound, implementable land use/community planning and environmental solutions to achieve project objectives in a timely manner.
Aerial Portfolio Services (APS), an affiliated company, offers unique and complementary aerial photography services for many uses in creative format.
We are also pleased to introduce "CITYPLAN•PORTAL", our innovative, interactive and user friendly way to visually source, analyze and process public planning information which regulates the growth and development of our communities.

Consulting Experience & Expertise
Pound & Stewart Planning is able to serve the needs of a diverse clientele base, ranging in service from land use planning to project management. We offer a broad base of consulting services ranging from policy planning to detailed site design.
Our level of involvement is strictly tailored to service your needs. Please feel free to inquire about how we may assist you, your group, or your company, regarding land use planning needs.
Our planning activity is primarily located within the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Clients from the City of Toronto and the surrounding growth regions, including York, Peel, Halton and Durham will attest that there are advantages in retaining a firm which has well familiarized itself with its planning environment. Our professional planning services involve preliminary planning and development feasibility analysis, official plan-zoning amendment/application(s), and minor variance application(s), for example. We also provide expert testimony regarding planning projects at the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT), formerly known as the Ontario Municipal Board.
While the majority of our services are provided within the Greater Golden Horseshoe, we have worked on projects all across Southern Ontario. Our firm has also provided professional services in the United States and Europe as well.

• technical advice on, and preparation of Official Plans, Secondary Plans, Urban Design / Development Guidelines, other policy documents and Zoning By-laws;
• urban design, subdivision and site planning;
• site selection studies and other specialized land use planning studies;
• highest and best use planning analysis by design;
• computer assisted design using AutoCad and photographic geometric / scanning programs;
• process planning/approvals for Official Plan Amendments, Rezoning, Committee of Adjustment applications;
• preparation for and attendance at Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) as an expert witness;
• advisory services to various levels of government and special interest groups;
• preparation and processing of development, subdivision and site plan agreements;
• evaluation of land development capability and feasibility analysis.
• co-ordination of multi-disciplinary teams of sub-consultants;
• co-ordination of all aspects of the project from development concepts, implementation strategies and planning approvals to plan registration and co-ordination with legal, engineering, architectural and survey sub-consultants to expedite successful results.
Leo Longo, LL.B., Aird & Berlis, LLP,Barristers and Solicitors
“I have been able to use and become familiar with the content of CITYPLAN PORTAL as legal counsel to Orlando Corporation. Our client has had access to CITYPLAN PORTAL since its inception and it is a valued planning tool in understanding the complex layers of planning policies that apply to its landholdings. This program displays planning policies from upper and lower tier municipalities in a convenient, creative and accessible format.
Phil Stewart, the creator of CITYPLAN PORTAL, has always sought to improve upon its content, user “friendliness” and overall utility as an effective planning resource.”